Estuary & Wasteland


her breath, a full length
for every bay, the raft
of lashed boards

and fabric drag

skirting through eelgrass
a thin towel, one lung

pressed on volume

flounders. the fluke muddied
under green golden marine in
summer, her feet , the winded


Via Cavafy

fossilized dreams, this land
cityscaped by want and

flat roads. a cornered mind
escapes from the sea. years

of streets seeded by ships. houses
full with wool and ruins. seams

and meals edge this world

Greta Nintzel

Greta Nintzel

Greta Nintzel’s work appears in a variety of journals including <i>Magma</i> and <i>The North</i>. She is an east coaster who finds herself gathering moss in the PNW.