Engaging Audiences…a new concept or imperative?

Check out this article by Michael Kaiser from The Huff Post Blog via Arts Journal.

The new (renewed?) focus on audience engagement appears to emerge from the sense that conventional arts organizations are losing their audiences to other forms of entertainment. Our audiences have the opportunity to be entertained at home on their personal computers and on television, to experience astonishing special effects at the movies, and to communicate with their friends non-stop via texting, cell phones, Facebook and Twitter.
The sense of many is that things must change — our art must change, our approach to marketing must change and the nature of the audience experience must change. If we continue to operate in the same manner as we did in the twentieth century, the arts will die.
The keys to any successful audience engagement strategy, of course, are consistency and commitment.

Read the Article here–> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-kaiser/engaging-audiences_b_1427968.html

Keeley Manca Lambert

Keeley Manca Lambert

Keeley Manca Lambert, originally from Texas, graduated with a Bachelors of Fine Art in Acting from Texas State University, located just south of Austin. She is an artist in residence with Transform, a