Do We Value Sculpture?

The New  York Times recently posted an article Has Sculpture Become Just Another Pretty Face?

“Is it me, or do we seem to have a problem with sculpture today?”
“It’s (sculpture) too literal, too direct, too steeped in  religious ceremony and too complex for a historically amnesiac culture.  We prefer the multicolored distractions of illusionism on flat surfaces,  flickering in a movie theater or digitized on our laptops and  smartphones, or painted on canvas. The marketplace ratifies our myopia,  making headlines for megamillion-dollar sales of old master and  Impressionist pictures but rarely for premodern sculptures.”
“In an age of special effects, we may also simply no longer know how to  feel awe at the sight of sculptured faces by the German genius Tilman  Riemenschneider or before a bronze statue by Donatello.”
Taj Alexander

Taj Alexander

Taj Alexander is a student at Philadelphia Biblical University majoring in Business Administration. Taj is also the President of the Culture and Arts Association at PBU. He enjoys collaborating with o