Curator Quicklink Friday | 7.19.13

D.H. Tracy and the Role of the Poet-Critic
“I would guess that if you hired a left-brainiac economist to analyze “the present situation of poetry,” he or she would find that the dynamics of the system match those of an economy with overwhelming quantities of counterfeit money in it.”
D.H. Tracy, Contemporary Poetry Review

Mozart vs. The Beatles
“We may say, ‘You can’t argue about taste,’ but when it comes to art we care about, we almost always do.”
Gary Gutting, New York Times

11 Things I’m Trying To Do in Order To Achieve a Sane, Healthy, and Marginally Productive Relationship With the Internet
“1. Don’t wake up with the Internet. … 11. Don’t go to bed with the Internet.”
Mike Sacacas, The Frailest Thing

Archbishop Justin Welby: ‘I was embarrassed. It was like getting measles’
“At Eton, he had ‘vaguely assumed there was a God. But I didn’t believe. I wasn’t interested at all.’ That night in Cambridge, though, praying with a Christian friend, he suddenly felt ‘a clear sense of something changing, the presence of something that had not been there before in my life. I said to my friend, ‘Please don’t tell anyone about this’, because I was desperately embarrassed.”
Charles Moore, The Telegraph

Laughter Without Humor: On the Laugh-Loop GIF
Laughter as “a material force unbound by the taxonomies of humor, and the limitations of the human.”
Fran McDonald, The Atlantic

Zach Terrell

Zach Terrell

Zach Terrell is a writer and teacher living in New York City.