Curator Quicklink Friday | 7.12.13

This Violin is Worth $3.5 Million Why? Why do we see some things as precious and others as worthless? A journey through the secret world of fine violins in search of the meaning of value
“Of the 6 billion people on the planet, there are perhaps four men whose knowledge of rare violins is so vast and deep that their opinion of an antique instrument can set its market worth.”
Jon Gertner, CNN

Philosophy Versus Science: A Fight Where We All Lose
“There is no conflict between philosophy and science, only between some philosophers and some scientists.”
Tim Dean, Wonder

On the Philosophy of Google Glass
“Glass is not a technology that is designed to amplify our own innate abilities as humans or to make us better as humans, but rather one that acts as a crutch to lean on in place of exercising the very thing that makes us human.”
Kyle Baxter, Tightwind

Biola University launches new center for Christianity and the arts
Mike Boehm, LA Times

An Evangelical Renaissance in Academe?
“[E]vangelical Christians have been shedding their ‘fundamentalist baggage’ and reclaiming a place within deeper traditions of Christian learning and at the table of American cultural life.”
Thomas Albert Howard & Karl W. Giberson, Inside Higher Ed

The Secular Society
“When faith is a matter of personal choice, even believers experience much more doubt. As James K.A. Smith of Comment Magazine…put it, ‘We don’t believe instead of doubting; we believe while doubting. We’re all Thomas now.'”
David Brooks, NY Times

Book Reviews:
Icons and the Name of God
TJ Kaethler, Transpositions

A Complex Delight
Preston Yancey, Transpositions

Zach Terrell

Zach Terrell

Zach Terrell is a writer and teacher living in New York City.