Curator Quicklink Friday | 7.5.13

The New Theist
“How William Lane Craig became Christian philosophy’s boldest apostle.”
Nathan Schneider, Chronicle of Higher Education

Bill Craig and the Story of Christian Academics
In reply to the above article: “There’s a major difference between [William Lane Craig] being prominent and well respected within the community of intellectuals and [William Lane Craig] being well recognized outside of that community.”
Josh Stein, Philosotroll

The Gospel According to ‘Me’
“The search for authenticity is an obsession that is futile at best and destructive at worst.”
Simon Critchley, The NY Times

Sex Without Bodies
“What unites the LGBTQIA coalition is a conviction that [bodies are irrelevant].”
Andy Crouch, Christianity Today

How Do Bodies Matter?
In reply to the above article: “It’s not that bodies are ‘irrelevant’ for gay people—otherwise gay men wouldn’t be attracted to men!—but it’s that having a male body is, for gay-affirming Christian theology, taken to be irrelevant when it comes to discerning whether it’s ethical for me to have sex with another man (or men).”
Wesley Hill, First Things

Commerce and Art
“A negative view of commerce remains the dominant view in the Irish and British literary world.”
Steven Miller, The Weekly Standard

The Walls Come Tumbling Down
A look at the rise of immersive theater.
Diep Tran, Theatre Communications Group

Zach Terrell

Zach Terrell

Zach Terrell is a writer and teacher living in New York City.