Concept for some pieces of art

First piece

A red telephone box, in a library
In the box a cell phone

Second piece

A telephone box made of cell phones, in a library
In the box a telegraph machine

Third piece

Two telephone boxes in a library, far apart
In each box a baby monitor

Fourth piece

A library full of books containing pictures of peoples’ faces

Fifth piece

A red telephone box, in a library
In the box a telegram
On the telegram a message:
“What hath God wrought?”

Sixth piece

A large telephone box, in a library
In the box a donkey

Featured image: Braunschweig University of Art Library

Lauri Moyle

Lauri Moyle

Lauri is an ethicist and policy influencer who writes occasional poetry. He has influenced policy in England (think red Victorian phone boxes) around remote gambling addiction and child online safet