Call for Participation

And now a word from our illustrious publisher.

Call for Participation:
Reflections of Generosity: Toward Restoration and Peace ’09
August 19 – September 11
MWR Arts Gallery
Fort Drum, New York
As soldiers and their families come to grips with ongoing deployments, the need for emotional and spiritual healing is greater than ever.
Reflections of Generosity: Toward Restoration and Peace ’09 is about the power of painting, sculpture, and even song to facilitate restoration through generosity, community, and beauty.
Artwork and performances will be shown that reflect the spirit of ongoing generosity demonstrated by the military. It will be dedicated to the memory of the heroes of 9-11 and the soldiers who have given their lives in recent conflicts.
In the spirit of the exhibit’s theme, there is no charge to participate. Submissions will be reviewed by a jury of artists.
For information about submitting your artwork, please contact:
Ron Kelsey
Nonprofit Artist
Military Liaison for the Arts
Alissa Wilkinson

Alissa Wilkinson

<a href="">Alissa Wilkinson</a> founded The Curator in 2008 and was its editor for two years. She now teaches writing and humanities a <a href="">The Ki