Caitlind r.c. Brown Raises a Storm

I just saw over at The Kids Should See This that at the Nuit Blanche Calgary contemporary arts festival last Saturday, artist Caitlind r.c. Brown put up her own kind of storm. She calls her piece CLOUD, and further describes it as:

“Created from steel, metal pull-strings, and 5,000+ light bulbs (both illuminated and burnt out) CLOUD asks the viewer to participate by experiencing the work first hand – standing beneath the structure and pulling lights on and off, creating the flickering aesthetic of an electrical cloud.”

Play this video to watch festival goers interact with the installation and emulate an electrical cloud:

Nia James Kiesow

Nia James Kiesow

Nia James Kiesow likes culture, historical fiction, Japanese ramen, illustrating, and technology. Born and raised in San Diego, California, she now lives in Gramercy in NYC. Nia is currently the admin