Bryant Park

They break me
They break me

Those craggy old men throwing iron balls

They break me

Those sensual women with the brilliant skirts
Those sun-kissed, white-haired boy-children

They break me

Those bent-backed crones with the twisted fingers
Those slack-bodied businessmen enticed by the games
Those generous wide-palmed girls with the dreadlocks
Those birds audaciously stealing bread
Those trees rustling their downside-up skirts
Those breezes whispering secrets everybody knows
Even those dogs with the gregarious tongues

I am so
Brittle and
Emaciated and

This Park
In Midtown
At Midday
Teeming with

Breaks me.

Heidi Duncan

Heidi Duncan

Following degrees in English Language & Literature and Secondary Education, with a minor in Theatre, Heidi Duncan concentrated, by and large, on writing and acting, as well as teaching English. Sh