Blockprinting with The School

I stumbled upon these great blockprinting photographs via Line x Shape x Color this morning and thought I’d share. We’re well over the drudgery of winter, but who doesn’t love a good pick-me-up craft project every once in a while? If the sprouting daffodils aren’t cutting it for you, try some Spring therapy with a good old-fashioned hands-on foray into wood blockprinting.

These photographs here depict the cool happenings over at The School in Rosebery, Australia, a creative company offering Master Classes in design by stylist Megan Morton. This particular class was taught by textile designer Joanna Fowles, using handmade stamps carved out of balsa wood to blockprint geometric shapes on linen napkins and tea towels.

Nia James Kiesow

Nia James Kiesow

Nia James Kiesow likes culture, historical fiction, Japanese ramen, illustrating, and technology. Born and raised in San Diego, California, she now lives in Gramercy in NYC. Nia is currently the admin