Thomas Turner

Thomas Turner

Thomas Turner is a Program Manager at <a href="">International Justice Mission</a> and blogs at <a href=""></a>. He is happy to be livi

The Power of Singer-Songwriters

Meaghan Ritchey discusses the power of singer/songwriters in her article “The Power Lies in the Performance [../meaghanritchey/the-power-lies-in-the-performance/]“: > In a very sincere way, they’ve figured out how to make their

Cultivating A Life Less of Ourselves

“Continuing to cultivate a life less of myself and lived more for others  includes the resumption of hand-writing letters, notes, and cards.” – Jenni Simmons, “An Epistolary Confession [

Devaluing Women’s Writing

How do you respond to Abby Farson Pratt [../author/abbypratt/]‘s questions in her article “You Write Like a Girl [../abbypratt/you-write-like-a-girl/]“: > “Is there something about men on an inherent and fundamental