Victoria Pérez is the managing editor of The Curator. She received her B.A. in English from Biola University and is an MFA Fellow at Chapman University. Her writing focuses on Mexican-American identit
My first semester teaching, I had a student who made me feel like I was looking at a mirror. She was a young woman, a language broker, a first-generation Mexican-American with family who lives in the same state in Mexico where my Abuela was born. She longed for Mexico the way I long for Mexico.
On Sunday, September 15th, I sat with my grandpa in our living room. Our dog Max
claimed his space between the two of us. And while my main focus was the 300
Last month my grandmother died. I knew I’d someday have to say these words out
loud, but, nonetheless, I wasn’t ready to say them. Maybe because she helped
raise me, and
There were few places my classmates and I went to during lunch. A couple of us
drove, but we were in high school and weren’t allowed to drive each other. So we
Six months after I graduated from college I signed up for ministry school.
Because apparently, I’m the kind of person who likes school that much.
For the ministry school, I went to