Sørina Higgins (www.iambicadmonit.com) is an Instructor at Penn State Lehigh Valley. Her full-length poetry collection, <a href="www.iambicadmonit.com/books"><i>Caduceus</i></a>, is available on <a hr
Seen from one perspective, the Twentieth Century was not a pretty period: a long
chain of wars, recessions, genocides, sex scandals, drugs…. The Twenty-first is
not at present looking much better: 9-11, wars,
We humans make sense of our lives by shaping them into narratives. Childhood is
the exposition; romances, tragedies, and accomplishments soar up the slope of
conflict to peak at the crisis of marriage,
When I could think at all, dredging the dregs of my brain from a deluge of
tears, gasps, nausea, and hallelujahs, my eyes spinning in sensory overload, my
ears pounding to Wagnerian chords,
The image to the left it Caspar David Friedrich’s painting “The Wanderer Above
the Mists”: that quintessentially Romantic image. In it, the solitary, heroic
individual stands with his back to civilization, facing
Do you read music? Of course you do; everyone does. Every time you listen to a
piece of music, you are reading it. More accurately: you are reading into it,
because there is