Rebecca is a designer and a dreamer who lives at the crux between idea and reality. She is currently pursuing an MFA in design management at SCAD and plans to take what she learns into the sphere of o
When is the last time you walked into a place and breathed out a nice, long
“ahhh?” Was it a coffee shop? Maybe your favorite restaurant? A corner bookstore
or local club?
There is almost nothing I enjoy more than an afternoon tea with my mother,
grandmother, or sisters. Ever since I can remember, tea time has been an
occasion (when celebrated) punctuated by a
We live in a world of complex problems – perhaps more complex than ever before –
but we also live in an age of immense possibility. We often take this reality
far too lightly. Not
Ever heard the phrase “you are what you eat”?
Believe it or not, the food that we eat provides a significant impression of who
we are – as products of our families, communities, and
Everyone in America wants their town to hit the list of the top five places to
live in the U.S. – with clean streets, amazing mixed-use housing, and an easy
walk to the