L.L. Barkat is Managing Editor of <a href=http://www.tweetspeakpoetry.com/>Tweetspeak Poetry</a>, a site committed to helping people experience a whole life through the power of writing, reading, and
This is why I did it, Donna:
the bees are dying.
She is five years old and I do what every parent is expected to do. I
“My biggest regret is that I didn’t,” she tweeted. We were talking about home
education. She wanted to know why and how I home educated my children. (I am not
quite finished
“I like it when you explain what I’m seeing.”
I had sent a video clip to a colleague—of a performance artist interacting with
a warehoused sculpture
Let us begin with the lima beans. Ten maybe.
Does it matter?
I ask this question several times in The Novelist.
[http://www.tweetspeakpoetry.com/the-novelist-by-l-l-barkat/] And it is a good
one, if
“Caduceus? Oh, that’s the snake thing,” says my older daughter.
This is not the answer I am seeking just at the moment, as I’m looking for my
copy of Sorina Higgins’