Lindsay Crandall spends her days writing, teaching, photographing, and (mostly) chasing after her toddler daughter Lily. She lives with Lily and her husband Adam in the Deep South, though they secretl
I never had a Polaroid camera. In fact, I have no recollection of ever pushing
my little trigger finger into the big red button of someone else’s Polaroid
camera, though I’m
Lofty ambition for 2009: Take a photograph every day
Mission: Failed
Number of daily photographs taken: 253
A brief re-imagined diary of the project:
January. I can do this! I am armed with
I’m not sure how it happened exactly that I’d never seen Fast Times at Ridgemont
High. The movie came out in 1982, and I was born a year earlier, but that
Dear Autumn,
You are the sexiest of all the seasons. When you come around, I drop everything
and give myself to you wholly. I will be your mistress, and I will love you