In fifth grade, Laura wrote an essay about Thanksgiving that her teacher thought was good. She also played Santa Claus in a school play and tried to make croissants from scratch. Not much has changed
The true artist works alone, many say, and who am I to argue? Famous men from
President Kennedy to Steve Wozniak spoke of this, as did Ernest Hemingway when
he accepted the Nobel
Some author quoted or misquoted on the internet claimed that no true writer
needs to be told to write. This makes me feel like crap.
I would like to say that I have
Side A – Wearing
A tiny, uneven house once sheltered a denim jacket. A girl discovered it wadded
up in a garbage bag filled with other hand-me-downs. She rolled back the cuffs
I will go to great lengths to ward off the February blahs. In years past, I have
decorated my home with tropical flourishes, distracted myself with games and
group trips, tried to embrace
If I could put you inside a time machine and send you to 9 a.m., Christmas, in
my girlhood home, most of what you’d find would be unsurprising. My brother and