George T. Anderson is the author of The Year of Perfect Sight (September, 2015). He blogs on transhumanism, tech evolution, and the technological singularity at <a href="http://www.theyearofperfectsig
In Pilates and various meditative disciplines, I’m told to look inward and focus
my being—to “center” myself. While this works on a physical level, helping to
tame breathing and related symptoms,
The word is changing with its world. With it goes our thought and the formation
of our worlds. Our very being leaps from this notion of world-building: the
quick text, the smile gifted
If these genre conventions had flesh and blood, I would fight them with swords.
As it is, I am powerless. They win. If a book is not neat and square and laid
Bittersweetly, I may not even see the published version of this piece. I may be
leaving the Internet. I suppose it’s rather silly to throw out the baby with the
bathwater, but
The kitchen in this communal house is often trashed and smelly. I’m pretty sure
I clean up after myself. Doubtless, everyone else says the same thing, but the
place just won’t