Geoffrey Sheehy considers teaching high school students a privilege and hopes to remain an English teacher until he retires at age 85. He and his wife have four children and live in the Black Hills of
I wish ass were not a four letter word.
I wish I could reapply the cultural context that let C.S. Lewis use the word in
four of the seven Narnia Chronicles books:
As I reflect upon a decade of life, I feel like it should involve large-scale
changes or shifts; but, as I think back to 2010, I am mostly struck by how much
I was first intimidated by Ron Sider as a freshman in college when I read Rich
Christians in an Age of Hunger. Sider crafts his assessment of the economic
world so uncompromisingly I
I often share some detail or story from my day early in the family’s dinner
conversation. I’ll just announce it to see if the kids find it intriguing. “I
heard something
My familiarity of Marat has always arisen completely from the painting, “The
Death of Marat.”
To me, Marat has been a figure murdered, an image of vulnerability and pain.
Here, the brush of