Chris Yokel is a freelance writer, independent musician, published poet, avid movie watcher, amateur photographer, voracious reader, music junkie, and connoisseur of chai tea. He holds his B.A. in Phi
For years, while Lost was running on TV, friends would tell me, “You need to
watch this show! You’ll love it!” This was probably because they knew of my
interest in philosophy,
These days, our culture appears more and more defined by a sense of
rootlessness. More than ever, people are packing up and moving away from the
places they’ve grown up in, and
“Everything dies, baby that’s a fact, but maybe everything that dies someday
comes back.”
— “Atlantic City” by Bruce Springsteen
I’m a rather recent convert to the musical greatness that is Bruce
There is something deeply heavenly about the lights of home at night. Now, I
don’t mean wispy heavenly, puffy-cloudy heavenly, cherub heavenly, because this
vision is quite earthy. And neither am I
A day of quiet gladness,–
> Mount Fuji is veiled
> In misty rain.
This is a poem, a haiku by Matsuo Basho, the first great haiku poet. It is
considered by