I am a writer, bringing words to life through essays, stories, blog posts, and books. I have contributed essays to three books, including, "Letters to Me: Conversations with a Younger Self". I also am
[The following story was originally published in March of 2016]
My family owns a book I will never read.
Actually, we own more than one book that I’ll likely not take time
Even though I was finishing up Tricks Every Boy Can Do
[http://harvardsquareeditions.org/portfolio-items/tricks-every-boy-can-do/] by
Paul Buchanan at the same time my stepson, a senior in high school, received his
When summer officially arrived, my three step-sons had been out of school for
about five weeks already for their summer break—just long enough for all three
of them to have grown bored.
My family owns a book I will never read.
Actually, we own more than one book that I’ll likely not take time for: my
stepson’s copy of Si-cology written by Duck
Over the weekend, my husband, Steve, mentioned a radio news segment he heard
about my alma mater.
“The Silent Night game?” I asked, referring to Taylor University’s now famous
tradition during the