Adam Whipple

Adam Whipple

Adam Whipple is a musician, poet, and author living in Knoxville, Tennessee, in a house called The Watershed. A graduate of Carson-Newman University, he is an editor of Foundling House and a writer fo

Collard Greens

“…the hyssop that springeth out of the wall…” — I Kings 4:33 The flecks greening skin after cutting collards Are good as tattoos leafing my blood-tree of veins, Mapping these hands I got

Over Heard

My daughter’s dance class: A brave octet of blue-clad torsos, all Delicate and strung tight with snare drum ribs. They gallop like crabs Gone dizzy with light. A lone piano chord sends

Liturgy in Blue

Autumn weekdays at Sinclair’s Eve bring early rising and long commutes. We wish it was less harried, but the presence of children stretches the simplest daily ablutions into inefficient adventures. We brush