A person is justified in using force
He’s just walking around looking about.
except deadly force—He’s just staring—
against another when & to the extent
the person reasonably believes such
conduct is necessary—Now he’s just
staring at me—to defend himself or
herself or another against the other’s
imminent use of unlawful force. Now
he’s coming towards me.

My nephews lie
about shooting my dad’s garage window
with a bb gun that resembles The Real Thing.
Child-proofing betrayed by their newly begotten
height, the lankiest one, voice on the verge
of collecting crushes, is making himself up
as he goes, a danger my dad’s admonitions
cannot prepare him for; will justify the conflation
of boy to body. Real Enough is real enough.

However, a person is justified in the use
of deadly force—Yep, he’s coming to check
me out—& does not have a duty to retreat
if: These assholes always get away. He or she
reasonably believes that force is necessary
…he’s running. to prevent imminent death
or bodily harm to him or herself or another
“Are you following him?” or to prevent imminent
commission of a forcible felony; or Yeah!
under those circumstances permitted
pursuant to section 776.013.

Darlene Anita Scott

Darlene Anita Scott

darlene anita scott is a poet and visual artist. Her recent poetry appears in About Place, Aunt Chloe, Killens Review of Arts and Letters, Furious Flower: Seeding the Future of African American Poetry