Aaron Belz resigns as Editor-in-Chief

Several weeks ago, our Editor-in-Chief Aaron Belz resigned his post at the magazine.The staff writers and editors would like to express our gratitude to him for his contribution over the last 14 months. The magazine is better because of his leadership, interest in objective, grounded review, his work ethic and incisive communication.

We are happy to say that any of you who contributed to our Indiegogo campaign and earned the Glitter Bomb “perk” will still be mailed a copy when it is published this winter.

Footage of Aaron + Chris Davidson reading at the INHABIT conference coming to the site soon.

We wish he and Elijah well in repairing and renewing at @ Hillsborough Bicycle.

Meaghan Ritchey

Meaghan Ritchey

Meaghan is the Publisher of <i>The Curator</i>. She serves a variety of organizations through her consulting firm MaKeR Projects.