A Story of Generative Participation: NCAI Forum on Art, City, and Society

This April New City Arts Initiative will host their first ever forum this April. At this weekend gathering in Charlottesville, VA three questions will be addressed:

1. Why do the arts matter?

2. What is good art?

3. What is the responsibility of the artist.

The New City Arts Initiative is a Charlottesville network of art practitioners, advocates, and enthusiasts pursuing human flourishing through the arts. We promote:

CONVERSATION | We facilitate educational opportunities and group discussions for artists, writers, musicians, and all those interested in creative endeavors.

SPACE | We maintain, curate, and support spaces where artists can show, perform, and create work.

COMMUNITY | We serve as a network for artists, community members, and churches; we provide ways for people to connect with one another, build community around the arts, and pursue beauty and justice together in our city.

Meaghan Ritchey

Meaghan Ritchey

Meaghan is the Publisher of <i>The Curator</i>. She serves a variety of organizations through her consulting firm MaKeR Projects.