Unlocking an Artist’s Memory

Guy Raz, weekend host of All Things Considered on NPR,  published an article on artist Lonni Sue Johnson, who contracted viral encephalitis in 2007, which destroyed parts of her brain and her work.

In the article, How Crossword Puzzles Unlocked An Artist’s Memory, Raz writes,

“The encephalitis took away many of Johnson’s old memories, like her marriage of 10 years and her illustrious art career. But the way she was able to retain certain other memories — and her ability to draw — are mysteries.”

Read the article or listen to the story to find out how a team of researchers aspire to learn about what Johnson remembers and how word puzzles can open her mind and art.

Joannah Lodico

Joannah Lodico

Joannah Lodico, originally from Ohio, is pursuing her Masters in Art Administration at the University of Michigan – Flint. Joannah graduated in 2009 with a B. A. in music performance and a minor in hi