The Hand that Feeds You

When I get that hand of Jesus in my teeth,
his blood cascading down my chin,
I believe but help my unbelief —

to my spirit preach
a gospel of bruised red grapes and mortared grain,
that hand of Jesus in my teeth,

that topaz blood beneath
my skin.
Lord, I believe.             Help my unbelief,

press, push that old relief.
Reveal the wound empty. When
I get that hand of Jesus in my teeth

my tongue flicks the molar at its reach
and the wine washes me of sin,
I believe. Help my unbelief.

Feed my fast. Beggar a feast.
If my legs can’t take me in
let that hand of Jesus.             In my teeth
I believe.
    Help my unbelief.

Tommy Welty

Tommy Welty

Tommy Welty is a poet, pastor, and family man. He's married to Alyssa and they have two children with dactylic names, Atticus and Gwendolyn. His work in the church inspires much of his writing. His po