
Bless the top of my head
My jukebox brain
My third eye, my eyelids,
Haughty bridge of my nose
My tongue, that old tutor
Lip, sole betrayer
Clavicle, you flirt
Breastbone, my wishbone
Matador heart
Naval, my mother, my origins, my hurt
Gut, roiling, calm, my rogue second brain
My spine, edifice, tower, my snake
Vagina, my love, my sentinel and protector
My sphincter, good sphincter
My tailbone, my vestige, my horse, cow and dog
Workhorse and urchin, my sweet candy ass
Kneecaps, my headlights, my capstones, my soldiers
Ankles, Clydesdales, my tournament horses
My arches of triumph, my sweet golden arches
Honkytonk piggies, hilarious brethren
Soles of my feet, tethers and touchstones
God oh my God oh my God
Bless my bones

Lin Nelson Benedek

Lin Nelson Benedek

Lin Nelson Benedek earned her M.F.A. in Writing at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon. She has had poems published in a number of journals and in five anthologies. Her first full-length poetry