10 Songs / 10 Poems

10 songs I can only listen to on repeat, paired (for no particular reason) with 10 poems I memorized because I love them so much:

  1. Jupiter” by Aoife O’Donovan &
    The Necklace,” by Osip Mandelstam, trans. Christian Wiman
  2. Drawn to the Blood,” by Sufjan Stevens &
    Don’t Worry,” by Mary Oliver
  3. Familiarity,” by Punch Brothers &
    What Are Years?,” by Marianne Moore
  4. Death in His Grave,” by John Mark McMillan &
    From Blossoms,” by Li-Young Lee
  5. Angela,” by The Lumineers &
    The Ache of Marriage,” by Denise Levertov
  6. Everything to Hide,” by Sarah Jarosz &
    Romanesque Arches,” by Tomas Transtromer, trans. Robin Fulton
  7. Cancion de la Noche,” by Matthew Perryman Jones &
    Book of Hours 1, 59,” by Rainer Maria Rilke, trans. Barrows & Macy
  8. Egg Shells,” by Brooke Waggoner &
    Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord,” by Gerard Manley Hopkins
  9. Human,” by Daughter &
    Anything Can Happen,” bySeamus Heaney
  10. Conrad,” by Ben Howard &
    Otherwise,” by Jane Kenyon
Jolene Nolte

Jolene Nolte

Jolene Nolte currently lives in Vancouver, British Columbia where she revels in the innumerable shades of green and the fact that she does not have to choose between mountains and the ocean. She works